Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple day

 We spent time reading about and learning about Johnny Appleseed! Then we colored and apple and labeled the parts!
 Next we had fun with poetry. The girls worked on memorizing this apple poem! So cute to hear them say, "Crunch, crunch, crunch!"

 Then we did some graphing. They each got to try a red apple, a yellow apple, and a green apple. Then they put their apple onto the graph.

 Yellow was the winner (my favorite)!

 Next the girls filled out their own graph with the data!

Learning is never complete without food! :) I used the book, Book Cooks by Chryl Apgar. It has steps to follow to make simple snacks. They followed the directions and made apple smiles out of apples, peanut butter, and marshmallows. 

 The final learning project was to learn about seasons by using an apple tree. We learned how the leaves fall off in the fall, then the tree is bare in the winter, it gets blooms in the spring, and finally apples in the late summer!